Lawton, OK
Began the natural route about two years ago due to medical reasons. I went into my bathroom and took the scissors to my hair. Each time I cut, I began to cry. Then I went into our family room with tears in my eyes and asked hubby to finish what I had started. He had this look in his eyes that let me know he was in this with me. We went back to our bathroom and he finished the process. I did this because I didn't want people to know that I was sick and my hair had already started to come out. That following Monday, the females embraced my hair. One coworker sent me a song "I'm Not My Hair." I didn't know the first thing about being natural. I even tried to do the waves like my hubby and son, but hubby said NO. I did wash and go everyday. Learning what works for me has been an ongoing process, which I'm still learning. I've become a product junkie and an advocate for natural healthy hair, knowing that I'm not my hair.