Mountain View, CA
I've been natural for about 6 years now. Hair was just hair to me...a fun accessory. I was very comfortable and confident to rock any style or texture. One day I woke up and a nice chunk of my hair was gone from the front, the crown, and the back of my head...like I looked on my pillow, under my pillow, trying to figure out where it went or if there was a troll under my bed with scissors running around cutting people’s hair off while they slept (laughing still in awe). Guess I overlooked the breakage happening from the coloring of my hair. Oh well...that meant I had to go natural since a relaxer and coloring wasn't an option at that point. It was that simple and I rocked a very nice 1-inch TWA the following month.
Cutting my hair was a BIG issue in my family...I didn't know...I thought it was my hair...but oh was everyone peed off. My mother took it as a big insult, that she worked so hard growing beautiful long full hair (I soon learned that my hair was not really that healthy and beautiful as we all thought) and that it was a slap in the face to God because women shouldn't ever cut their hair to look like a boy. Yeah, cutting my hair didn't go over so well for years. Fast-forward to today...everyone in my family is now natural! Amen! The journey of learning and loving the person who God created was very inspirational for myself and others.
I love and rock many styles, but I adore spiral curls using flexi or perm rods. I've always been a shoulder length person, so yearly I would cut my hair back to that length...I'm now in the phase of growing it down to mid-back. I'm a mother now and cute topknot buns sound so much more ideal when I'm in a rush, so with that I need more length. Everyone in my household is a curly :)...and curly hair rocks!!!