Midwest City, OK
Hello….I am Tiffany Nichols of Tiffany Nichols Design, a Natural Hair & Beauty Blogger/Vlogger from Midwest City, OK. After doing tons of research about going and being natural, I began my natural hair journey in June of 2009 when I received my last relaxer. After transitioning for 9 months I finally did the big chop in March 2010. I am approaching 4 years of being completely natural and I have loved every minute of it. Going back to natural was the best decision I could have made for my hair. My hair is much thicker, healthier, and longer and I contribute that to the fact that I no longer relax my hair and that I have done a complete lifestyle change from the things that I eat and drink and the products that I put on my hair. Being natural hasn’t just been about my hair, but it has ultimately helped me develop and mature as a person!