"Me" Time with MyCandiShoppe

"Me" Time with MyCandiShoppe

In honor of Mother's Day, the lovely Candice Horn, creator of MyCandiShoppe.com and also mom to three (Taylor, Gregory and Kennedy) hosted night 2 of our #EDENWonderMoms "Happy Hour" takeover on the EDEN BodyWorks Instagram page. There she shared how she manages to keep herself happy and healthy. If you missed it, you’re in luck, because Candice is here to share a few words on the EDEN Blog as well!

Lately I’ve been taking time out of each day just for me. Some days it’s not a lot of time at all, maybe just 5-10 minutes but it’s been making such a difference in my patience and attitude. There’s no way we can give the best of ourselves to our families without a little self-care.

Another Mom I admire, Whitney Alana of @styleofwhitneyalana, recommended reading a daily devotional and it has been so clutch. It gives me that much needed time with God and helps to recenter my thoughts and spirit.

If you follow me on Instagram then you know I’m all about snacking. In fact, I’ve donned the hashtag #NeverNotSnacking because it seems I’m always eating something. In recent years, I’ve converted most of my highly craved snacks into fruits and vegetables. If you’re going to snack all day, might as well make sure what you’re putting into your body is good for it. This didn’t happen overnight. It started when I purchased my NutriBullet years ago and spiraled from there. From smoothies, to salads in a jar, to juicing and now my favorite thing to eat - roasted veggies.

When you’re putting good things into your body, it puts you in a good mood. Your children see this as well, and eventually will shadow your eating habits. My youngest daughter, Kenney requests sauteed Kale as a snack on the regular. Why? Because she sees me eating it as a snack all the time. It kills two birds with one stone. Although, I kind of hate that phrase… why does a bird have to die?! LOL

I use to have this idea of what life should look like but over time I’ve realized that idealization only leads to disappointment. In reality, every single day is different. Some nights I turn up with my husband and have a few drinks, other nights we’re both up working until we fall asleep. Mom guilt is real but you know what else is real? All these blessings we take for granted. When we stop focusing on what we can’t control, we have more time to appreciate the things right in front of us.

Take a #MOMent for yourself here and there. Know that you’re doing YOUR best. And, most of all, know that you’re being the best #WonderMom you can be. You got this. We got this. If you needed some encouragement, THIS. IS. IT.


For more from Candice, check out her blog - MyCandiShoppe.com
and follow her on Instagram @mycandishoppe

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