Whew! It’s already mid-August and we have no clue where the time has gone! Summer vacations are drawing to a close, and many are already planning, packing, and shopping for the upcoming school year - Moms, grade schoolers, and college students alike. We know that means schedules are about to become a lot busier, with little time to spare (even for those who aren’t prepping for back-to-school). To provide a little help, we’ve got 4 Back-to-School Hair Hacks to hopefully save you a little time!
1.Style Hair at Night!
To save even more time, throughout the week, you can even style your hair before bed. Wet it, add more product if necessary, then sleep in your shower cap and bonnet and come morning, you’ll only have to shake and go! You’ll be able to set your alarm clock a little later. Who doesn’t love that?!
2. One for the Road!
Travel-sized products are not just for vacationing! Try keeping a travel size of your favorite styling product in your bag or backpack for those long days when you’re on the move and have to make your look last morning ‘til night. Keeping a travel size with you is great for touch ups between classes or, if you’re involved in extracurricular activities, it can help you touch up after practice if you have other stops to make before heading home.

Available soon for purchase!
Also, if you’re involved in outdoor after-school activities, you may want to keep something like our Citrus Fusion Refresher Spray on you to help keep you smelling fresh too! It’s lightweight, smells great, and made of natural ingredients great for both hair and skin!
3. Head Wraps!
Everyone is loving on head wraps these days - they’re stylish, cultural, and convenient. The mornings you just don’t have the time or energy to put into styling, tie a quick head wrap around your hair and BOOM! You’re set for the day! The best part is, you don’t even have to use an actual head wrap, most fashion scarves can double as cute head wraps as well! A quick YouTube or Instagram search will provide you with videos on how to tie a head wrap within 1 minute or less. You can opt to leave a little hair out and just worry about slicking your baby hairs, or if you want no parts of styling, you can simply apply the wrap over your sleep ‘do (pineapple, messy bun, and etc.), because a number of wrap styles provide full-coverage as well. You can even deep condition underneath and no one will ever know!

photo from @shopadeori

4. Protective Styles!
As you probably already know, protective styles are your best friend when it comes to saving time on the daily. However, protective styling doesn’t just have to consist of box braids, twists and etc. Give yourself two quick french braids on Sunday evening, making sure to properly moisturize and wrap your hair each night so that the style will last throughout the week. You can even try this with a slicked bun, or a number of other quick, but easy to maintain styles.


There you have it! We hope these little hacks can help your back-to-school routine flow with ease. If you have any hair hacks to share, feel free to tell us about them in the comments below!
Are all of the eden products for loc wearers also
I from Dominican republic I have some products edenworks like citrus refresher and masque also almond I love it.
I hope use this new products too.