The EDEN Blog

The EDEN Blog

Between the rhythmic beats of Beyonce’s Lemonade and soulful lyrics from Solange’s ‘A Seat At The Table’, you couldn’t help but to spend an extra 5 minutes in the mirror each morning belting out these tunes. Both sisters became a beaming light with their music and impactful visuals. Their albums turned into positive anthems that women of color yearned to hear since they focused on embracing, loving + accepting who you are while celebrating strength and power. From the texture of our hair to the beautiful variety of skintones, it encouraged you to wrap yourself in pride and focus on ways of stepping into your confidence.

Solange - Photo: Elias Tahan

COMB Through Your Past-  Both singers gave us a timely reminder that you can't know where you're going until you know where you've been. The special ingredient of our beauty individually and culturally is in our strength. Not in the empty label as ‘superwoman’ in which women pretend to always have it together. But in showcasing the different characteristics of vulnerabilities, insecurities + imperfections and transforming these traits into an undeniable resilience. We are a collage of the women who came before us and left us a secret crumb trail to our self-worth.

Beyoncé -  Image Source: HBO

CLEANSE Your Spirit-  From curls blowing in the wind to straight strands sweeping our sun-kissed backs, we are constantly expressing ourselves and our inner spirit of who we are. Allowing our true selves to flourish and embrace characteristics that may have been mocked, questioned or envied gives a deeper sense of self. Our spirit nourishes + feeds our creativity which holds the brilliance of our community. Music has always taken the journey from our ear canals down to our souls.

Beyoncé + Solange - Imeh Akpanudosen / Getty

CONDITION Your Mind- The understanding that hiding your power to make someone else’s weakness comfortable has been tossed out the window. Stepping into our glory and conditioning our thoughts to see ourselves dripping in beauty, brilliance + boldness is where confidence begins. The mind is fragile territory and negative perceptions in media can often have an effect on how we see ourselves. This is why such great excitement came to Bey + Solo’s albums. Freely allowing their music to go on repeat in your mind throughout the day perpetuated positivity + pride.

The wave of Black women stepping into our magic is not a trend or movement but a lifestyle we will forever step, dance + walk in every single day!

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