#EDENWonderMom Reporting to Duty

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#EDENWonderMom Reporting to Duty

We're celebrating week 2 of Women's History Month with a few wise words from Ylorie Taylor, EDEN Bodyworks's very own Vice President, and also a proud momma! Enjoy!

In almost every conversation that includes a mom, I’ve heard another one say “I don’t know how you do it all.” The reality is we all wear many hats everyday that potentially place us in different roles, demanding various talents and time.

I am a wife.
I am a mother.
I am a sister.
I am a friend.
I am a Vice President.
I am a mentor.
I am my mother’s only child (yes, that means something too).
I am also… ME, independent of all the other roles I assume and love.


I love being a wife and mom. I also love running a brand I believe in – and consider my “other baby”. It’s quite the balancing act. Truthfully, I don’t believe in equality of time; balance by definition implies “even distribution” and that just doesn’t exist in my world. Nothing is created equal in my household. There’s a constant tug-of-war that I manage in regard to time. I actually feel at peace that no one – me included – feels neglected. I thank God for showing me how to “do it all” gracefully and with gratitude.

We launched #EDENWonderMoms when we introduced our kid’s collection to help make wash day a breeze for children. As a career mom, we kicked off this campaign to share tips, advice, and mommy-isms from some of our favorite go-to-moms on social media. From the looks of it, they make this mommy-thing look so easy (ha ha)!


@watermeloneggrolls, @naturalista86, @amberjanielle, @bossmomnation


Here’s a few things I know for sure as an #EDENWonderMom:

  • Self-care is crucial. I have a standing bi-weekly mani-pedi appointment. Even if I only do one or the other, I indulge. A few times, I’ve even taken myself to lunch after. Also, one weekend day a month, I get the house to myself while daddy takes his kids to breakfast. So much gets done when I’m home alone – and sometimes it’s just binge watching This is Us!
  • Fill yourself up as your fill others. You can’t be or give to others when you’re on empty. Start your day with gratitude, prayer, meditation, exercise, or whatever gives you the “get up and conquer the world feeling”. Being “full” is more about the mind than anything else. Peace is important.
  • Find activities that both you and your spouse and/or children enjoy. Simplicity rules in our house. We have favorite dinnertime TV shows (Family Feud or Modern Family) as well as board games and/or other activities we can do together (we happen to have a mini soccer goal that both of our children enjoy).
  • Multi-tasking only works if you are organized. Become a pro at scheduling – work, home, life, dates, girl chats, emails, to do lists, etc. Plan the work, then work the plan. Adjust and rework as your needs and wants change. When we evolve, things can change. I feel like my son is so much easier to “tote around” now that he’s a toddler. Changes how long I can window shop (yes!).
  • Learn the power of No! Best thing I ever did for myself years ago. Gave myself permission to be non-committal to things that just don’t fit who I am, what I want, or in my life right now. Timing is crucial. A year of yes … must include a few no’s along the way.

Having a job that I love, being around people that I enjoy connecting with and working with, healthy, happy kids, a sister circle, and a partner who most days gets me and my idiosyncrasies, definitely make the roles and hats I wear easier on a daily basis. For more tips on balancing it all as a mom, I encourage you to visit the hash tag #EDENWonderMoms on Instagram.

See you back here next Wednesday!


1 comment

Ashley S
Ashley S

Crucial information .. especially the advice of “saying no”

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