3 Simple Self-Care Ideas for Busy Moms On the Go

3 Simple Self-Care Ideas for Busy Moms On the Go

Welcome to Week 3 of Women's History Month! This Wednesday, we are taking some advice on self-care from the lovely Michelle Thames - wife, mother and creator of Happily Ever Natural.



I will admit that I am not the best at putting time aside to practice self-care. Self-care is a choice, and I have a hard time of choosing to put myself first. Juggling being a mompreneur, keeping my marriage thriving and being the best mom to my daughter I tend to put myself last. I struggle with feeling guilty for taking time for myself and taking time away from my work and my family. Growing up, self-care just wasn’t something that my mother did. I was never taught or shown the importance of self-care, and that is why I think I have a hard time practicing it for myself.


As I have gotten older I have learned that self-care is important to live a balanced life. I have learned that self-care can be simple and not as complicated as I make it seem. If you need an idea on where to begin to start practicing self-care, here are a few self-care ideas for busy moms on the go.


1) Read a new book

Have you been eyeing a new book that you want to read? Set an hour aside and indulge in some me time. Step away to your local bookstore if you need total peace and quiet.


2) Have an at home spa day

Carve out some time and create your own spa day at home. I’m excited that EDEN BodyWorks created the Citrus Fusion line because it’s not only for my hair but also my body. I can pamper myself with a good wash day and also take time to care for my skin as well. As a busy mom, it's nice to have products that can serve dual purposes.


3) Journal

As a creative, I love to write. Writing can be therapeutic. Set some time aside to write in your journal. Start writing that book that you have been putting off. Take some time and just let your pen flow and your thoughts flow.




Now tell us, how are you practicing self-care? And remember, these tips can be applied to non-mommas as well. Self-care is important for all!  
Check out more from Michelle on YouTube at MissNaturalista86 and Instagram @naturalista86.

See you back here next week!




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