5 Cold-Weather-Friendly Home Upgrades

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5 Cold-Weather-Friendly Home Upgrades

Hello EDEN Family! 


It’s Penned by Keyaira of TheCLetter.com here, wondering why our attention doesn’t turn towards home until the arrival of Spring cleaning. As a Jersey girl, I’m used to the cold but with nearly the entire country experiencing a chill, many of us are spending more time bundled up than at bottomless brunches. Here are 5 Ways I’m making my apartment a little cozier this winter so that I can enjoy my time indoors.



1. Adding Some Shimmer

I love anything that sparkles, and lately, I have been on a glitter kick. I even invested in a sequined memo board for my kitchen. If you’re a little more subtle than yours truly, gold spray paint can upgrade almost anything in your living space. Crack a window, lay down some cardboard and go to town! Even small items, like this catch-all tray I keep in the hallway to avoid losing items like my keys or pins, can make a big difference in the way your home shines.





2. Switching Up My Essential Oils

We can become nose-blind even to our favorite smells, so sometimes it’s good to switch it up. This season I’m replacing my trusty peppermint oil with sweet orange. This oil instantly improves your mood and has the added benefit of smelling exactly like the goodies in EDEN's Citrus Fusion collection. Add some to your favorite diffuser and come home to a sweet smelling house after a long day, or do what I do and place some on an oil burner inside of a hall closet to freshen it up.




3. Repurposing Candle Jars

After years of struggling to hide bulky bags of cotton balls and boxy q-tip containers, Pinterest has saved me! I have no idea why such small items have such oversized and inconvenient packaging, but a simple tutorial taught me how to rectify that. After removing the wax from this adorable candle I was given as a birthday gift last year, I’m able to enjoy (and use) the jar it came in.




4. Stepping My Storage Game Up

Deep cleaning isn’t just for spring! Being trapped inside from the winter weather is the perfect excuse to go through your things and decide what’s for keeps. I took the most recent snowy weekend we had here to sift through all of my insurance and financial paperwork and toss what was unnecessary. The rest I relegated to pretty storage boxes. These are usually used for knickknacks but they’re great for paper as well. Invest in a few from your local Home Goods store for as low as five dollars.




5. Improving My Tea Service

I practically live at my favorite coffee shop, but as common decency prevents me from actually moving my things there, I’m also prepared to serve tea at home. This year, I got a little teapot that serves two to three people and adds the perfect pinch of glamour to a Sunday morning writing session. Not into tea? Fill it with warm almond milk and let your guests mix their own hot chocolate to their taste. I promise they’ll thank you for it.



And that's the  list! Share what you think of these tips or tell us about some of your own in the comments below. 


Keep up with Keyaira on Instagram at @pennedbykeyaira and on TheCLetter.com.


See you back here next week!


1 comment

Shatera Taylor
Shatera Taylor

This is your season Queen…..BOOM!

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