Miami, FL
Being relaxed since I was 16, I felt that it was the only way to have that perfect 10 hair and no complications. But going to the hair salon monthly for relaxers, and having to roller set weekly, it became too much. I had the final straw when I decided to do a home perm. Not the best idea. I had burned off a side of my hair from the perm. I had finally had enough, so I went on YouTube and researched natural hair. And I found YouTube sensations like Naptural85, NaturalSistahs, Mohagany knots/curls etc. So the next week, I shaved my head bald. I was skeptical about my new look, but I was repeatedly told to be patient. Two years later my hair is full and Amazing! It is the same level of difficulty to manage, but thanks to those amazing YouTuber's it made it soooo much easier. I love my Natural hair and will never go back to relaxers.